Saturday, June 20, 2015

Cafe Batavia in Jakarta, Indonesia

The building of Cafe Batavia is a UNESCO Heritage Site located in Jakarta Indonesia. says that:

A World Heritage Site is a place that is listed by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as being of special cultural or physical significance. The list in maintained by the international World Heritage Programme administered by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, composed of member states which are elected by the General Assembly. 

The historic building was erected between 1805 and 1950, and after the stadhuis (now Jakarta History Museum), is the second old building on Fatahillah Square. Over the years it has served variously as a residence, warehouse, office, and more recently, as a coffee shop and art gallery.

Steel was used in the building for the first time during its 1992 – 1993 restoration. The Glass concervatory was added at this time, completing a return to the cafe’s 1937 elegance.

CafĂ© Batavia’s upstairs Churchill Bar was included in Newsweek Magazine’s “The World’s Best Bars” supplement, on October 31, 1994 and again in October 21, 1996.

I really thank Professor Darryl who used to work with UNESCO for bringing us here hours before our flight back to our own destinations. I was traveling back to the Philippines while my friends are traveling back to Bangladesh, Thailand, and the USA.


Come and visit the historic Cafe Batavia when you happen to visit Jakarta, Indonesia.